5 Painless Ways to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

Quit Smoking Cold Turkey MeaningQuit Smoking Cold Turkey Meaning

The meaning of the expression “quit smoking cold turkey” or “go cold turkey” refers to the abrupt cessation of smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products, as opposed to gradually reducing use over time. Quitting cold turkey is a very common smoking cessation approach used by people making a quit attempt.

Cold Turkey OriginCold Turkey Origin

The origin of cold turkey expression to refer to quit smoking is a matter of debate. The cold turkey origin appears to have first been used in print in the early 20th century, and was later a reference to quitting smoking in the 1920s. Another possible cold turkey origin might have been the American slang phrase “talk turkey”, which means to speak bluntly without preparation.

Quitting Cold TurkeyQuitting Cold Turkey

If you decide to quit smoking cold turkey there are a number of steps you can take to increase your odds of success. No matter which method you use to stop smoking, the benefits of quitting smoking are worth the trouble.

1. Get Social Support

When quitting smoking cold turkey it’s a good idea to speak to your doctor first. Your healthcare provider can discuss your current smoking habits and help you create a plan for a successful quit, which may include using prescription medication. When you quit smoking cold turkey it is also important to let family and friends know so they can be aware and supportive of your decision and quit attempt.

2. Prepare for Nicotine Withdrawal

Quitting cold turkey can be very difficult due to nicotine withdrawal, which can produce severe symptoms when you abruptly stop smoking. However, in the overall quit smoking timeline the nicotine withdrawal phase is very temporary and typically only lasts 1-2 weeks. Some symptoms you may experience with nicotine withdrawal include:

  • Headaches
  • Coughs
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Depression
  • Difficult to Concentrate
  • Insomnia

3. Identify Your Smoking Triggers

When you go cold turkey to stop smoking, it is important to identify the triggers that cause you to want to smoke a cigarette. Triggers are things and situations in your environment that make you want to smoke. Make a list of these so you can either avoid your smoking triggers or create a suitable coping strategy. Triggers may include:

  • Watching TV
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Drinking Coffee
  • After Sex
  • Work Breaks
  • After a Meal
  • In the Car

4. Know Your Coping Strategies

Knowing your coping strategies before you quit smoking cold turkey can help you prepare for likely situations before they come up. Some of the best quit smoking apps (such as Aeris) will even allow you to track your triggers and coping strategies to remind you during your quit attempt. Some common coping strategies to stop smoking include:

  • Chew Gum
  • Chew on Straws
  • Avoid Places You Usually Smoke
  • Brush Teeth After a Meal
  • Avoid Caffeine
  • Avoid Alcohol
  • Drink Water
  • Go For a Walk
  • Exercise
  • Light a Candle
  • Meditate

5. Consider Medication

While some may consider using medication to not be part of the formal cold turkey meaning, it may be worth considering if you find it difficult to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Talk with your doctor to see if nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or prescription medication may be right for you. Some common quit smoking medications include:

  • Nicotine Gum
  • Nicotine Lozenge
  • Nicotine Patch
  • Varenicline (Chantix)
  • Bupropion (Zyban)

Quitting JUUL Cold TurkeyQuitting JUUL Cold Turkey

If you vape with e-cigarette products, such as JUUL, you are also exposing your body to many potentially harmful toxins, including nicotine. If you would like to quit vaping, you may wish to do so at the same time as quitting smoking so that you only go through nicotine withdrawal once. Remember, vaping can still create nicotine addiction, and quitting JUUL while you stop smoking cold turkey can be a good strategy to ending tobacco dependence once and for all.

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